Friday, June 11, 2010

Gulf Cleanup Unit

Self-Contained Roll Off Vacuum Units
with Skid Undercarriage

Tanks Available in
Non-Code Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminum
Sizes from 1000 to 6000 gallons
Tank Assembly: anti-surge baffles, 20 inch top manway, 20 inch rear cleanout, primary moisture trap, 3 5 inch sight eyes, full length hose trays with drains, hose protector, hose hooks, 2 rear work lights, ladder, 4 inch rear brass lever valve adapter and cap (outlet), 4 inch rear brass lever valve adapter and cap (Sheppard staff inlet), lifting lugs, DOT rear bumper, painted white, DOT lighting, CA required 108 to 120 inches.

Self-Contained Roll Off Vacuum Units
with Skid Under Carriage

Jurop PN-84 252 CFM Air Cooled Pump: Air shift PTO cab controlled, pump stand with right angle gear box and coupler, PTO shaft, oil catch muffler, 30/30 pressure vacuum gauges, secondary moisture trap, pressure and vacuum relief valves, rear bumper, 2 – tool boxes (1 each side), DOT required items.

Pump Tec "Crab Shooter" Wash Down System: In place of Burks system, timer shut-off, 250 to 500 gallon water tank, 2 comp tank included.
Code Options
407 / 412 Code Tank, Max. Dia. 73 inches includes DOT Girard vent, DEMCC isolation butterfly valve, overturn protection, extended rear bumper, as required by ASME.

The Truck Works Self-Contained Roll-Off Vacuum Units are designed to be fully compatible with standard Roll-Off Hoist systems manufactured by numerous companies.
Also available for Cable Hoist, Hook Hoist and Trailer Hoist

Truck Works, Inc
3220 W. Sherman Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85009 Phone 602-233-3713

Pump Options

Masport HXL75 230 CFM Air Cooled Pump: Air shift PTO cab controlled, pump stand with right angle gear box and coupler, PTO shaft, oil catch muffler, prefilter, 30/30 pressure vacuum gauges, secondary moisture trap, pressure and vacuum relief valves, rear bumper, 2 – tool boxes (1 each side), DOT required items.

Diesel Powered Vacuum System: Jurop 260 vacuum pump, 30HP Kabota diesel engine, coupler, oil catch muffler, 30/30 pressure vacuum gauges, secondary moisture trap, pressure and vacuum reliefs, skid mounted on rear platform, 1 tool box rear, refer style fuel tank with gauge, DOT required items.
Gasoline Powered Vacuum System: Jurop 260 vacuum pump, 25HP Kohler engine electric start, coupler, oil catch muffler, 30/30 pressure vacuum gauges, secondary moisture trap, pressure and vacuum reliefs, skid mounted on rear platform, 1 tool box rear, 6 gallon fuel tank, DOT required items.

Wash Down System Options

Management Today Article

Management Today Article From Spring 2010 Edition.

You can view it online here: Http://

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Vacuum Bodies for cleanup effort

As a manufacturer of Vacuum Truck Bodies i would expect these to be in demand to aid in the coast cleanup. I know we have not been inundated with requests for these, so how hard are they really trying? It makes me wonder!
I believe there are many people involved in the cleanup but without the equipment there to assist the people i can't imagine they will ever be done. If anyone in authority (this would include BP, or government personnel) wish to discuss getting some equipment to deal with this, we would be happy to speak with them.
I see lots of PR going on and that isnt going to get it done. Somebody needs to pull the trigger, take control of this effort and get a real grasp on this before it gets any worse!